3D Graphics is a Windows application I created for generating, editing, and rendering polygonal 3D objects using the Lambert, Gouraud and Phong shading models. The application basically evolved from the
Surface Generator, which I created a few years ago to display 3D surfaces. Below are some of the features in 3D Graphics:
- Generation of 3D primitives such as planes, cones, cylinders, helixes, spheres & tori
- Generation of revolved surfaces, extruded tubes & extruded curves
- Generation of terrain surfaces from land survey data
- Single & multiple object selection with mouse or from object list
- Single & multiple object rotation, translation & scaling with mouse & keyboard input
- single & multiple object vertex editing to create new shapes from primitives
- Object duplication, renaming and deleting
- Texture mapping with replication, rotation, flipping and transparency controls
- Bump mapping with replication, rotation, flipping, inverting and level controls
- Hidden line removal with backface culling (ignoring)
- Lambert (flat) shading with specular reflection
- Gouraud shading (interpolated cosines) with edge preserving
- Gouraud shading (interpolated colors) with edge preserving
- Phong shading with edge preserving
- Rendering of scene, area or selected objects
- Multiple point and infinite lights
- Perspective and parallel views
- Camera pan, rotate, tilt, twist and zoom controls
- Full scene or selected area (window) zooming
- View saving, retrieving, renaming and deleting
- Objects saving to file and retrieving from file
- Rendered pictures saving to file and viewing from file
- Projects saving to file and retrieving from file
3D Graphics also includes a basic ray tracer which can render simple analytic objects like spheres, cylinders and planes. I added the ray tracer during the early phases when I was developing a ray tracing application.