Radio Links
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Radio Collections, Galleries & Homepages
- Airwaves (Wayne Michiel's Vintage Radios -- Canadian radios)
- Allen Cutts' Radio Collection
- Al Welch's Antique Radios (nice historical perspective, too)
- Al's Antique Radio Collection (Albert Aerts' collection in Belgium)
- Amateur Radio WA�JCV (Gerry VanLoh)
- Atwater Kent Radio
- Australian Vintage Radio (Paul Ledger)
- Badkitty's Rusty Radio Rest Ranch (BRRRR for short)
- Barry's Radio Page
- Bill's Antique Radio Emporium
- Bob and Joan Do Radios (Bob does electronics, Joan does cabinets)
- Brian McAllister's Vintage Radio & Audio Pages
- Brian's Radio Universe (Brian Hill's radio shack)
- Cathedral Radio Page (Dave McLaren in New Zealand)
- Chris King's Radio Page
- Chuck Garst's Antique Radio Site
- Chuck Schwark's Antique Radio Resource Page
- Classic Radio Gallery (Merrill Mabbs)
- Claudios's Radios (Catalins and woodens from Claudio Spiritelli in Italy)
- Conrad Field's Tube Radios
- Don Adamson's Antique Radio Page
- E. H. Armstrong Site
- Early Television Foundation (Preservation & restoration of early televisions & cameras)
- Ed Leathers' Home Page (WD4HMR)
- Eric's "the Fifties" TV Collection
- The Farmer's Old Radio Notebook
- FM-only Portables and Table Radios (Andrew Mitz's FM radio graduate school)
- Gabriel Velez' Collection
- Gil Z's Radio Web Page (Gil Zalewski)
- Jan Th�gersen's Bang & Olufsen Collection
- Jay Daveler's Collection
- Jerry's Antique Radios
- Jerry Straight's Portable Multiband Radios
- Jewel's Old Time Radios (Jewel Pim)
- Jim Watson's Crosley Radio Page
- Joe's Home Page
- John Jenkins'' Vintage Radio Collection
- John Pelham's Antique Radio Collection
- John's Antique Radios
- John's Old Audio Collection
- Jon Baldwin's Old Radio Page
- Malin's Page (Mark Malin's collection and some nice restoration photos)
- Matt's Antique Radio Page (Matt Erdahl)
- Mike Stambaugh's Classic Plastic Radios
- Nostalgia Air (Richard Lancaster's vintage radio references)
- Official Home Page of Detrola Radios (Dennis Smith's new Detrola site)
- Old Radio Zone
- Padgett's Radio Page (A. Padgett Peterson)
- Pat's Old Radios (Patrick Franzis)
- Paul's Radio Museum (radios in the UK)
- Peter's Radiolette Gallery
- Peter's Vintage Radio Daze
- (Your source of information and restoration of vintage Philco radios)
- Phil's Old Radios
- The Portable Radio in European Life (entirely written in French, but great photographs!)
- Radio A's Vintage Radio Page (Larry Stroobandt in Chatham, Ontario)
- Radioland
- Radio Ga-Ga's Antique and Vintage Radios
- Radio Heaven (Ron Lawrence, KC4YOY)
- Radios, Jukes and More
- Radios, Radios, Radios (The Hoch Radios and Record Players Page)
- Red Star Radiosite (Vitaly Brousnikin's Soviet Radio Gallery)
- Ren� Rondeau's Home Page (antique phonographs, watches, jukeboxes, and Volkswagens)
- Ries Electric
- Robert Casey's Old Radios (WA2ISE's page of AA-5 radios & lots of other great stuff)
- Rod's Classic & Antique Radios
- Rod's Vintage Radios & Phonos (Rod Osborne's collection in New Zealand)
- Sal's Antique Radios (Sal Brisindi's collection on his works-in-progress web site)
- Sarah's Transistor Radios (Sarah's large collection of transistor radios)
- Skywaves (Surfing the ionosphere with vintage sets)
- Sparkbench (Radio "project" descriptions; very interesting)
- Steve Adams' Radio Collection (Friendly Webmaster's collection & home page)
- Steve Fullmer's Antique Radio Page
- Terry's Antique Radio Page (Terry Schwartz's collection)
- This Old Radio (Eddie Brimer's collection)
- Tom's Transistor Page (Tom Polk's collection)
- The TubeBug (collecting and restoring older professional receivers and transmitters)
- Vintage Television and Radio Stuff
- Virginia City Radio Museum
- The Virtual Radio and Phono Museum (in English & French from Jean-Luc Fradet)
- Werner Gertsch's Switzerland Radio Web Site
W3KY's Old Radio Museum ("Ham Radio Before WWII" thanks to John Dilks)
Commercial Pages
- A.G. Tannenbaum's Home Page (service manuals, radios, equipment)
- Alaska Antique Radios (a wide variety of antique radios for sale)
- (Charles Brand has AM radios for sale and a schematic service)
- Antique Edison (vintage records, radios, phonographs, TVs, and sheet music for sale)
- Antique Electronic Supply (if you don't know these folks, click here; make your day)
- (Carolyn Stopyra does dial scale reproductions, too)
- the Antique Radio Store (Jack Hofeld's store in La Mesa, California)
- Antique Radios, Inc. (Home of the ARBE-III Universal Battery Eliminator)
- Ben's Radios (Ben Martin has some very nice replicas and vintage radios for sale)
- (Bill makes custom dial covers)
- Bob's Antique Radios; Electronics (high quality restoration supplies radios)
- Boomerang Modern Antiques (some pretty radios for sale, plus other stuff)
- Brent Jessee's Recording Homepage (digital audio, video, hi-fi, vacuum tubes other geek stuff)
- Carolina Tubeworks (NOS and guaranteed tested used tubes)
- Collection Explorer (Software to organize your collection)
- Collector Caf� (Gateway site to all things antique)
- Crystal Radio Page (PV Scientific Instruments)
- (links to electronic directory resources and information websites)
- Don Crazy's Radio Sales Page (Tube and transistor radios for sale by Don Maurer)
- Fabius Antique Radio (Jerry Devine's radio shop)
- GARMCO Vintage Electronics; Collectibles Radios, phonographs, mics, TVs, clocks, etc.)
- Gasoline Alley Antiques (Keith has a page of novelty radios for sale on this site)
- George H. Fathauer Assoc., LLC (Early Radio Collector Tubes)
- the Golden Sound (Rick Foor has radios for sale and offers restorations services, too!)
- Harry Poster Vintage TVs and Radios (cameras, furniture, collectibles, too)
- Hi-Fi Exchange (classic audio in Atlanta)
- House of Radio (radio repair; restorations, too)
- Jazz Art Deco (Holden Wood Antique Centre -- nice vintage British sets)
- John Okolowicz, N3VSR (grille cloths for your radios)
- Keepers Antiques (David; Paula Wood)
- Kennedy Tube Audio (Kevin Kennedy specializes in custom built tube hi-fi)
- KGB Technologies (antique car ; home radio repair in Toronto, Canada)
- Marty Bunis' Home Page (renowned author and collector)
- Micronetics Inc Ltd (Vacuum tube suppliers in Switzerland)
- Midwest Antique Radio Service (vacuum tube home and auto radio repair; more)
- Neat Old Radios (Rob Robertson's new page of radios for sale/trade)
- Nostalgic Collectibles (Jay Daveler's store in Lansdale, PA)
- Novelty Radios for Sale by Gary Arnold (Novelty radios in North Carolina)
- Ocean State Electronics (Your one-stop electronic source)
- Old Authors Bookshop (used and collectible books on early electro-technology)
- Old Radio Days (parts, services, loop antenna wire)
- (e-mail money instantly; securely)
- Play Things of Past (Gary Schneider's place for vintage radios, tubes, parts, literature)
- Radio Age (Terry Williams' new site featuring antique radios; memorabilia)
- Radio Active (Vern Folk's home page)
- RadioActivity (radio repair; tubes, too)
- Radio Era Archives (CD-ROM publications, radios; manuals for sale)
- Radio84 (nice radios; phonographs for sale)
- RadiolaGuy (buy, sell, trade vintage radio, TV, records related)
- RadioMania (great online radio catalog)
- Radios on theWeb (Henry McCorkle's radios for sale)
- Records 'n' Radios (records, radios, phonographs too)
- Rock-Sea Enterprises (they manufacture dial scales for radios)
- Roger Antique Radio (Roger Dupouy's radio sales site from France)
- Ron Ramirez Enterprises (quality vintage radio restoration with a four-year limited warranty)
- SND Tube Sales (tube tester manuals of all sorts for sale)
- Tayman Electrical (Sound Solutions for Classic Cars)
- The Radio Attic (Find your old radios here! Radios for sale by independent advertisers)
- TopNotch Restorations (Keith Park's web site)
- Trailside Treasures (some nice plastics for sale)
- The Turntable Factory (sales and service of vintage and classic record playing systems)
- Vacuum Tubes, Inc. (new, used, and collectible tubes for sale)
- Vintage Electronics (whole saler of restorable collectible radio, audio, and other vintage electronic items)
- Vintage Radio Emporeum (a radio shop lost in time)
- VTDATA (a complete tube manual on your computer)
- Watkins Restorations (information restoration tips)
Wumpus's Old Radio World (first German old radio-related web site)
Old Time Radio
- The Antique Radio Collector "Listening Room"
- CBS Radio Mystery Theater
- Heritage Radio Classics
- "The Lives of Harry Lime"
- The Official Yesterday USA Home Page
- OTR Moments In MP3
- "The Shadow" Page
- The Shadow RealAudio Radio Theater
- Shawn's Old Time Radio Gallery
Welcome to the Wistful Vista
Clubs & Organizations
- Alabama Historical Radio Society
- The Antique Radio Club of Illinois
- Antique Wireless Association, Inc.
- AWA - Carolinas Chapter
- AWA Page 2 - Antique Wireless & Radio History
- California Historical Radio Society
- Central Ohio Antique Radio Association
- Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club
- Hallicrafters Collectors Association
- Historical Radio Society of Australia
- Houston Vintage Radio Association
- Michigan Antique Radio Club
- Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club
- New England Antique Radio Club
- New Jersey Antique Radio Club
- New Mexico Radio Collectors Club
- Northland Antique Radio Club
- Northwest Vintage Radio Society
The Radio History Society
- Antique Radio Classified (the national publication for buyers and sellers of old radios)
- Antique Radios Online (very classy radio site from Alan Voorhees)
- On Line Radio Trader (free on-line ads)
- QST's Old Radio Column (from their monthly magazine)
- (free on-line ads)
- The Antique Radio Collector (this site is going to be the primo on-line radio magazine)
- The XTAL Set Society (Dedicated to once again building and experimenting with radio electronics)
A short history | My radio background | Homemade radios | Tube radios
Transistor radios | World band radios | Kit radios | Reel tape recorders
My other interests | Pictures of Lebanon | Radio links
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